2/3 September 1958
The European Council was created in 1955. They were checking the creation of the European Community. They are also at the basis of the EMU which became the Euro....
The most interesting of the European Council was the cancellation used. All Europe knows this "figure" being the twelve STARS of the European Community. See also below the card which is providing explanations about the twelve stars used.
The European Council was also very busy on the philatelic market, based on the numerous different covers.
There is the official Campo Rodan cover, style of second edition.
I have also identified the same set but printed "differently".
There is the same cachet but in another color.
The design (only) of the following cover was also used as FDC cover of the European stamps.
Official cover from unknown editor
Cover from Staedel (see also under section Euro Council Strassbourg
Card providing explanations about the twelve stars (in Dutch and French). The french texts is as follows:
"En 1948: au Congrès de La Haye, un emblème européen fut proposé: un drapeau blance portant le E rouge qui se transforma ensuite en E vert, symbole du Mouvement Européen."
"En 1955: enfin pour la première fois, une décision fut prise au niveau officiel: le Comité des Ministres du Congrès de l'Europe, sur recommandation de l'Assemblée de Strasbourg, adopta le drapeau bleu portant une couronne de douze étoiles d'or. Ce nombre est invariable, il symbolisa l'ensemble des peuples d'Europe comme les douze signes du zodiaque symbolisant l'ensemble de l'univers."
Rare card printing limited to 100, card number 29 (editor PEN):
Official cover of the European Council cancelled: