Brussels Expo 1958

Philatelic Website

27 July 1958

The employees of the Belgian Post also wanted to be "present" at the Expo 58, hence you have this set of covers and the "day of" cancellation. This is one of the nicest cancellation design of the EXPO 58 in terms of setup and details.

The only information I have found about this day is the following (roughly translated of of French): The administration of the Belgian Post organises on Sunday 27 July, a National Day of the Postal employees with the slogan "The Post, messenger of the written thought". At this occasion, a stamp with special cancellation will be put on to service at the postal office "Expo 1" and at the Telexpo Building.

Official Expo 58 cover edited by Campo Rodan

The Official edited cover with logo of happening (edition is not identified).

A Official Expo 58 card with double cancellation


A Expo 58 FDC cover with the cancellation

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